Sunday, 10 March 2013

Fun Filled Friday.

Friday the 1st of March was a fun-filled day in the life of a TY to say the least....
In the morning, the judging from Sci-Fest was commencing. All of us set up our stands in the Hall, and a judge from Sci-Fest, Ken from my Chemistry Work Experience, Mr.L and Mr.K judged all the projects. It was a great morning and everyone enjoyed themselves.

After Sci-Fest, the choir travelled to Wesley College in Newbridge to take part in the Wesley Schools Choir Competition. We all had so much fun and there was singing to and from the school on the bus!

Last day of Work Experience

For the past eight weeks, I've been doing Work Experience in a local café, "Halo Café". On the first day I was so nervous as I didn't know what on earth to expect but over the weeks I grew more confident and I got a grasp of what I was doing. Towards the end of it, I was on the floor taking orders and making drinks!
 The staff at Halo Café are so welcoming, kind and friendly. I've never met a group of people so nice! I had such a good time and it was sad leaving, I'd definitely recommend going to Halo for Work Experience, it was soooo good! :)

Regional Finals - Mini Co

As "Williams Words" got through to the regional finals we were absolutely delighted and headed out to the Kilashee Hotel in Naas on Monday the 4th of March. We had a fabulous meal and spent the day watching all the Mini Companys present their product. We were so impressed by the high standards of them all. We got to wear blazers!!! 
On the day we made a profit of 60 euro selling our books,it was great. Well done to all the Mini Companies who got this far into the competition and a special congrats to "Click n'Light" who made it into the National Finals.Williams Words won the best display award. We were delighted with ourselves :D
Although Mini Company can get ever so stressful at times, I can safely say it was one of the best experiences of Transition Year so far. You learn so many lessons through working with a team, you develop your own skills such as confidence and independence. I was so lucky to work with such a great set of girls and I can't believe we actually made our own Shakespearean dictionary! I'm so proud of us all we achieved a lot and I would do it all again!